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What We Offer



Circle meetings serve to help members to achieve a more intimate fellowship and a more comfortable study group, you may also attend a Circle meeting each month. Ideally, each woman should attend the monthly general meeting as well as her Circle or interest group.

We have three Circles at Emmanuel. Traditionally, they are named after missionaries in the field since one of the United Methodist Women’s aims is strengthening the missionary work of the church.

Ellen Hoover Circle
Meets third Monday at 12 Noon in Room 23 of Education Bldg.
For information, call Barbara Butcher, 301-937-3179


Susanna Wesley Circle
Meets third Wednesday at 10 AM in Room 23 of Education Bldg.
For information, call Emmy Lear, 301-937-7341


Sisters in Spirit Circle
Meets third Tuesday at 7PM in Powell Parlor
For information, call Kathy Mellott, 301-937-7538


Dr. Ellen Hoover

Dr. Hoover, for whom the Hoover Circle was named, retired in May 2017 after serving in Zaire since 1979.  The Hoover Circle is currently looking for another missionary to support.


Sisters in Spirit

Sisters in Spirit Circle supports missionary Kabaka Dnala Alphonsine.  Kabaka and her husband, Rev. Mutwale Ntambo Wa Mushidi, went to Tanzania in 1992 to evangelize and start the United Methodist Church in the country.  The first church was started in Kigoma and today there are more than 70 United Methodist Churches in Tanzania.  They became an Annual Conference with 11 districts.  She and Rev. Mutwale Ntambo Wa Mushidi supervise the churches and represent the Bishop who resides in DR Congo.

Sisters in Spirit is a strong supporter of UMW programs and activities, globally and locally.  We support our community with hands-on projects for children, youth, adults, and seniors as well as the sick and shut-ins.


Susanna Wesley

Their missionary is Rev. Donna Pewo.  She is a member of the Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church. 

Her work involves meeting the spiritual and educational needs of children of Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes in conjunction with the Clinton Indian Church and Community Center in Clinton Oklahoma.  Her email address is

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Upcoming Events

Saturday April 6: 

Annual Rummage Sale!

10 am - 2 pm

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