Some adults were taught from childhood to bottle up their emotions and never let them surface. However, our lessons in the next 5 weeks (beginning Sept. 11, 2024) allow our emotions to take center stage. Based on the
story of Esther, each session highlights one emotion experienced by the central characters in the story of Esther. Scriptures from Esther are also paired with a reading from the Psalms.
Emmanuel's Wednesday Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7 pm beginning Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024.
Join us any time you are available!
Email Rick Bergmann at rick.bergmann@eumcbeltsville.com with any questions.
Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 929 3284 2856 Passcode: bible
If you are calling in: 1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 929 3284 2856 Passcode: 778812