The Emmanuel United Methodist Women
cordially invite members of the Church and Community to a pot-luck luncheon to meet Missionaries Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mairena

Thursday April 19, 2018
11 am in the Fellowship Hall
(Please bring a dish to share that would serve
6 or more people)
Nan and Miguel have accepted a new missionary assignment in Puebla, Mexico with Give Ye Them to Eat (GYTTE). This organization
was founded in 1977 by Mexican Methodists and a missionary couple you may know - The Henderson's (now retired but still supporting
GYTTE). They just returned from a visit there.
GYTTE’s offices are in Puebla, but the majority of work is in a remote town called Tlancualpican where they have a training center and
small farm in what is almost a desert. “The purpose ofGive Ye Them to Eat is to strengthen the capabilities of marginalized people and communities
to meet their basic needs, and to determine and sustain a just and integrated development process.” They provide training on different kinds of
appropriate technologies, sustainable agriculture and health so that people can improve their lives. Tlancualpican was at the center of the last
earthquake and many families lost homes. The staff has been training people to make straw-bale homes that are also more earthquake resistant than
homes built with bricks or blocks.
GYTTE supports “the spiritual growth of the Methodist congregations through training events and retreats for the laity, clergy, youth, and
adults as well as the production and distribution of Christian Education Materials”. GYTE also hosts VIM type groups known as AWARE where
you work alongside Mexican friends. This is a work/study week full of learning theMexicn reality, contributing, faith-deepening and tourism. We
hope and pray that many of our Covenant Churches will send groups over the next few years! To read more, their website is: