Happy Everything!
I know that the usual greeting is Happy New Year! To make the year happy, we will have to do more than say the words. It’s more than making resolutions, which we usually don’t keep, instead of putting our happiness into one night and or partying to the degree of regret the next day. Let’s consider finding ways to be happy in everything. We are born, and we will die. The two things that all creation has in common. The two things that we have no control over. The time in between gives us opportunities to choose, so let’s choose wisely.
The word happy is defined as feeling or showing pleasure or contentment, well-being, delight, gladness; an enjoyable state of being. I know it may not be possible to be in that frame of mind all the time, but we can still try. Challenges, and how we handle them, help us grow. The saying is, “what doesn’t kill us make us stronger.” And “we don’t know how strong we are until we face tough decisions.” Both are inspiring. But we grow when we ask ourselves, “what did I learn from this experience?” The goal is to learn and don’t dwell on what happened. In 1965, The Byrds released a song titled “Turn, Turn, Turn” that says there is a time for every purpose under heaven. (I was older when I realized some of the lyrics were from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). When our purpose is to find pleasure and contentment, we will find it. It’s only my opinion, but that would make everything better. The number nine, in 2019, is the the number of patience; the perfect movement of God. Everything won’t be perfect because we are human. But if we are patient, in time, with effort, we can find what makes us happy. Let’s pray; it spreads to everything. I leave you with this prayer:
H – Harmonious praise to you, God, for the things that bring joy and challenges.
A – All things are possible with you guiding us.
P – Place the feeling of contentment and well-being in us.
P – Promises of happier days fill us with hope.
Y – Yes, Lord. We will strive for Happiness in Everything that we do in the new year.